
Matogreen is an agricultural company specialized in providing professional and high quality agricultural services


Providing high quality agricultural services inputs and extension, while ensuring a value chain that serves stakeholders, customers and society


We aim for a green agriculture in Sudan through customer centric services and best precision farming practices


Developing the agricultural sector by introducing agricultural technologies while contributing to the vertical and horizontal expansion of agricultural production and raising the efficiency of the performance of agricultural mechanisms to achieve higher profitability

Our Values

Innovation and renovation
Professional performance
credibility in dealing
Highly professional in execution
Keeping pace with modernity and development

أرض زراعية خضراء مع سماء صافية لحظة شروق الشمس


Matogreen is an agricultural company specialized in providing unique and high quality agricultural inputs, services and managing agricultural investment projects.

Matogreen company was established in 2019, with a vision that aspires to drive our customers ambitions towards a future food security, and a green world.